Easy WordPress Directory Pages

Creating a WordPress Directory Page

WordPress is a great solution for creating directory websites.

Contrary to popular belief, directory sites can be delivered in more flavors than just a Yelp knock-off. A lot of the agency work we produce is focused around displaying content across a website or intranet for content publishers. We often see this delivered in the form of a Geo site that requires a display of local businesses in their area, but it can also be for many types of content.

A variety of use cases for directory pages could be team pages, custom e-commerce inventory listings, membership listings, sponsorship pages, or even restaurant food menus! You have a common custom post type (CPT) and it has associated custom fields holding unique pieces of content that go beyond the standard editor text area.

In today’s lesson, we’re going to learn how we can build a simple directory page layout using Conductor and the Pods framework. Let’s get started!

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