Note: This page is out of date and may be incomplete.

As of Conductor version 1.1.1, there are a total of 57 filters that exist.

Conductor Widget

The following filters are available within the Conductor Widget:



Arguments passed to callback function: $widget_options (current widget options including CSS class name and description), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $control_options (current widget control options), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $defaults (current widget defaults), $this (WP_Widget)


conductor_widget_sizes – DEPRECATED as of Version 1.0.3


Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_widget_sizes (array of widget sizes), $instance (widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: ‘’ (blank string; if data is returned it is used for display of the output element within the Conductor Widget), $element (output element array), $priority (output element priority), $id (output element ID), $supports (array of supported features for this output element), $instance (widget instance; settings), $defaults (Conductor Widget defaults array), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $avail_image_sizes (array of image sizes currently available), $instance (widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: ‘conductor_widget_’ (callback prefix), $new_instance (new widget instance; settings), $old_instance (old, previous, widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $new_instance (new widget instance; settings), $old_instance (old, previous, widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $instance (widget instance; settings), $args ( array, will be extracted to $before_widget, $after_widget, $before_title, $after_title), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_widget_query_args (array of query arguments for this widget), $instance (widget instance; settings), $args ( array, will be extracted to $before_widget, $after_widget, $before_title, $after_title), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: false (use default widget query class), $conductor_widget_query_args (array of query arguments for this widget), $instance (widget instance; settings), $args ( array, will be extracted to $before_widget, $after_widget, $before_title, $after_title), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $data (an array of data to localize on the Conductor Widget script)



Arguments passed to callback function: $classes (an array of CSS classes to be applied to this widget’s output), $instance (widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $classes (an array of CSS classes to be applied to this widget title output), $instance (widget instance; settings), $this (WP_Widget)



Arguments passed to callback function: $instance[‘title’] (current widget title), $instance (widget instance; settings), $this->id_base (id base of widget), $this (WP_Widget)

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Conductor Widget Query

The following filters are available within the Conductor widget query classes:


Arguments passed to callback function: $query_args (“many” query args; arguments for WP_Query), $type (current type of query; single, many or custom type), $this->widget_instance (WP_Widget), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)



Arguments passed to callback function: $this->query (current query object), $type (current type of query; single, many or custom type), $this->widget_instance (WP_Widget), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)



Arguments passed to callback function: false (no posts), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)



Arguments passed to callback function: $post (current post object; WP_Post, WP_User, etc…), $single (current type of query request; single, many or custom type), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)


conductor_widget_wrapper_html_element – (name may change in future versions)

Arguments passed to callback function: $element_tag (‘div’), $post (current post object; WP_Post, WP_User, etc…), $instance, $widget (WP_Widget), $query (current query object), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)


conductor_widget_content_wrapper_html_element – (name may change in future versions)

Arguments passed to callback function: $element_tag (‘section’), $post (current post object; WP_Post, WP_User, etc…), $instance, $widget (WP_Widget), $query (current query object), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)



Arguments passed to callback function: $has_pagination (Boolean; whether or not the current query has pagination), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)



Arguments passed to callback function: $paginate_links_args (array of arguments for the pagination_links() function), $query (current query object), $echo (Boolean; should pagination be returned or echoed), $this (Conductor_Widget_Query instance)


conductor_widget_excerpt_allowable_tags – (may eventually be deprecated)

Arguments passed to callback function: $tags (array of allowed html tags for use in the strip_tags() function), $post (current post object)



Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_thumbnail_size (string; size of featured image to be output), $instance (widget instance; settings), $post (current post object)

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Conductor General

The following filters are available within the Conductor:


Arguments passed to callback function: ‘conductor’ (directory to look for custom conductor templates in the child/parent theme)



Arguments passed to callback function: $is_conductor (Boolean; flag to determine if current layout is a Conductor layout), $conductor_content_layout (the current Conductor content layout), $conductor_options (array of Conductor options)



Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_content_layout (the current Conductor content layout)

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Conductor Templates

The following filters are available within the Conductor page templates:



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-container container conductor-cf”>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-cf conductor-clear”></div>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-content conductor-cf ‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘content’ ) . ‘” data-sidebar-id=”‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘primary’ ) . ‘”><div class=”conductor-inner conductor-cf”>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-cf conductor-clear”></div></div></div>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-primary-sidebar conductor-sidebar conductor-cf ‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘primary’ ) . ‘” data-sidebar-id=”‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘primary’ ) . ‘”><div class=”conductor-inner conductor-cf”>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-cf conductor-clear”></div></div></div>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-secondary-sidebar conductor-sidebar conductor-cf ‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘secondary’ ) . ‘” data-sidebar-id=”‘ . Conductor::get_conductor_content_layout_sidebar_id( ‘secondary’ ) . ‘”><div class=”conductor-inner conductor-cf”>)



Arguments passed to callback function: $html (<div class=”conductor-cf conductor-clear”></div></div></div>)

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Conductor Template Functions

The following filters are available within the Conductor page template functions:


Arguments passed to callback function: $template (current Conductor template file), $slug (slug of the requested template), $name (name, or secondary part of the requested template)



Arguments passed to callback function: $has_sidebar (Boolean), $sidebar (sidebar; content, primary, or secondary), $content_layout (current or passed content layout)



Arguments passed to callback function: $active_sidebar (Boolean), $sidebar (sidebar; content, primary, or secondary), $content_layout (current or passed content layout)

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Conductor Sidebars

The following filters are available within the Conductor sidebar functions:


Arguments passed to callback function: $sidebar_args (current sidebar arguments), $sidebar (current sidebar name; ‘content’), $content_layout (current or passed content layout), $content_layouts (all content layouts saved in database)

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Conductor Options

The following filters are available within the Conductor options functions:


Arguments passed to callback function: $defaults (current default values for the option name passed), $option_name (option name)


conductor_options_defaults (after the filter above)

Arguments passed to callback function: $defaults (current default values for the option name passed), $option_name (option name)



Arguments passed to callback function: $content_layouts (array of available content layouts)

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Conductor Admin Options

The following filters are available within the Conductor admin options functions:


Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_admin_options_localize (array of data that will be localized to the conductor-content-layouts script), $hook (current page hook), $protocol (http or http)



Arguments passed to callback function: $content_types (array of built in content types for sanitization)



Arguments passed to callback function: $temp_value (current temporary value for this content layout), $id (content layout id), $value (content layout value), $content_type (what content type this is; category, post_type, post, page, etc…), $field_name (field name; id of post, category, or name of post_type, or built-in content type, etc…), $input (all data passed to sanitize function), $raw_input (all raw data passed to sanitize function)



Arguments passed to callback function: $temp_value (current temporary value for this content layout), $id (content layout id), $value (content layout value), $content_type (what content type this is; category, post_type, post, page, etc…), $field_name (field name; id of post, category, or name of post_type, or built-in content type, etc…), $input (all data passed to sanitize function)



Arguments passed to callback function: $edit_link_url (url which links to customizer with correct url query argument attached), $content_layout (current content layout), $content_layouts (all content layouts saved in database)





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Conductor Customizer

The following filters are available within the Conductor customizer functions:

conductor_customizer_preview_options (options output in the Previewer window of the Customizer)

Arguments passed to callback function: $conductor_options (array of options to be output in the Previewer), Conductor::is_conductor( false ) (is Conductor?)

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Last Updated: 10/10/2014