Pods is powerful.
It’s one of those plugins that bring content and content management of WordPress to a whole new level. We’re able to go beyond posts and pages to extend the content we store and display. You might build something like a real estate website using WordPress and then Pods to create the Custom Post Type with the fields that are associated with a normal listing. Something like price, MLS # and square feet could easily be added using the Pods plugin.
Pods helps you do that. Easily.
I’m just scratching the surface, but that’s generally how many of us get exposed to custom fields in WordPress. Pods goes beyond that, so check out it’s full capabilities here.
PodsCamp Will Make It Even Better
On October 3rd, 2014 PodsCamp will hold it’s first camp. It’s like a WordCamp for — Pods.
The exciting thing about this kind of event is the impact it has on future innovation. I expect that when smart people get together in a room, as they do at a WordCamp, great things will come of it. In fact, it was community advocates that helped set this camp in motion.
Shortly after tickets went on sale, Tom McFarlin boosted the initiative by launching a Tilt campaign. This raised $2,352.00 for the camp and not only helped it get funded, but helped solidify that the community wants this to happen.
Props to Tom, Scott, Josh and everyone involved.
What can you expect at the camp?
Review the schedule here.
Show up for the awesome breakfast and BBQ — stay for the talks! It looks like an action packed day of Pods learning with a bit of Scott and Josh sprinting back and forth to the stage. Once you’ve primed your brain for developing goodness, you can head over to WordCamp Dallas/Forth Worth the very next day.
We wish everyone the best of luck.
We’re giving away our two tickets!
Now on to the fun stuff.
We’re giving away our two tickets by choosing a lucky winner in the comments. So how do you get your hands on them? Tell us what you’re looking to learn at Podscamp 2014 and we’ll select the best answers below.
Good luck!
I already have a ticket to Wordcamp DFW in Pods Camp so no need for the tickets.
What I am hoping to get out of pods camp is to learn how complete a solution this is for using custom post types in WordPress.
My dream is to find a tool that will allow a non PHP programmer to set up a custom post type and then both the backend and front end HTML to manage and display the custom data. Not sure if this is what pods will do, but that is the solution I’m looking for.
The bigger reason for going is just to network with more WordPress geeks! Can’t wait!
That’s awesome, Patrick!
Did you know Conductor displays Pods custom field data without needing code?
I definitely intend to check out conductor. Just haven’t had time yet. I am pretty sure it will become part of our church website platform we are building!
I am really looking forward to comparing it to my beloved Advanced Custom Fields – currently I am using just that to make fields and set relationships etc and coding out the CPT’s & Taxonomies by hand, all the architecture on paper beforehand of course.. I’d love to see how I could have sped up my last build by using Pods! Excited for the data architecture session as well, another of my passions
ADDITIONALLY – always looking for more powerful and clever ways of structuring content in WordPress, for an upcoming series on WP vs Drupal…hehehe
My pal needs a ticket to the conference, I’d love to win one for him!
Jamie, you win! We’ll contact you via the e-mail address in your gravatar. If that’s no good, just submit a contact form to us: conductorplugin.com/contact