This filter is used to change the default settings for Conductor Widgets.
This filter is executed when the Conductor_Widget::__construct()
function is called (when a Conductor Widget instance is created).
Conductor Widget Default Settings Data Structure (array keys and values):
The following list outlines the default values for Conductor Widget settings.
title (string): Widget title
Default: false
feature_many (Boolean): Type of query, whether or not many (true) or single (false) pieces of content will be queried
Default: false (single)
post_id (int): ID for single piece of content, used only if feature_many is set to false
Default: false
content_type (string): Content type for queried data, typically this will match a registered post type
Default: 'post'
query_args (array): Query arguments used for querying many pieces of content, used only if feature_many is true, most arguments are passed to WP_Query on Conductor_Widget_Default_Query
post_type (string): Post type for queried data, must match a registered post type
Default: 'post'
orderby (string, array): Determines what the results of the query are ordered by, must be a valid WP_Query orderby parameter
Default: 'date'
order (string): Order for the results of the query
Default: 'DESC'
max_num_posts (string, int): Used only in Conductor_Widget_Default_Query to determine the maximum number of posts for a particular query, can be set to an empty string to ensure that all content pieces are queried
Default: get_option( 'posts_per_page' ) (10)
posts_per_page (string, int): Number of posts per page for the queried content pieces, can be an empty string to set the WP_Query posts_per_page parameter to either max_num_posts or the total count for the post_type queried (which ever is the lower value)
Default: empty string
offset (int): Number of posts to offset (which content piece to start at), the Conductor Widget offset parameter is offset by 1 (i.e. a value of 2 actually sets the WP_Query offset parameter to 1)
Default: 1
cat (int): Category ID used in queries with a post_type of 'post'
Default: false
post__in (string): Comma separated list of post IDs to include in the query (only these content pieces will be included, in the order that they are passed, most other query parameters are ignored if this is set), Conductor_Widget_Default_Query will transform this into an array before passing into WP_Query
Default: false
post__not_in (string): Comma separated list of post IDs to exclude in the query, Conductor_Widget_Default_Query will transform this into an array before passing into WP_Query
Default: false
widget_size (string): ID matching the selected registered Conductor Widget display
Default: 'large'
hide_title (Boolean): Whether or not the widget title (title parameter) is hidden from output
Default: false
post_thumbnails_size (string): Featured image size used during output if Featured Image output element is visible, if set to false (Boolean) the Conductor Widget will determine the featured image size based on the widget_size value
Default: false
excerpt_length (int): Length of excerpt displayed, used if content_display_type is set to 'excerpt' and the Content output element is visible
Default: apply_filters( 'excerpt_length', 55 ) (55)
content_display_type (string): Type of content to be displayed on the front-end ('excerpt' or 'content')
Default: 'content'
css_class (string): Space separated list of custom CSS classes to be applied to various Conductor Widget HTML elements
Default: false
output (array): A sortable list of output elements used on the front-end during Conductor Widget output, array key is used as a priority value for the conductor_widget_display_content_{$widget_number} action, can be re-arranged via Conductor Widget Display Settings
id (string): Unique ID for an output element
label (string): Unique label for an output element
type (string): Specified type for an output element ('built-in', 'post_title', 'content', 'read_more', or any custom type)
visible (Boolean): Flag to determine whether or not an output element is visible on the front-end
link (Boolean) (optional): Flag to determine whether or not an output element is linked (if supported by the callback function) on the front-end
output_elements (array): Upon saving of a Conductor Widget, will contain all output element priorities ordered by their ID (id => priority), used in Conductor_Widget_Query, Note: This parameter is not to be confused with the output parameter, which contains full output element configuration data - this parameter will only contain a list of output element IDs and their priorities
Default: empty array
output_features (array): Features that various output element IDs or output element types support, the Conductor Widget will check for an ID match first and then check for a type match
id/type (string): A unique output element ID or output element type
link (Boolean): Flag to determine whether or not an output element is linked (if supported by the callback function)
edit_label (array): Enable label editing for an output element, pass a 'default' parameter with a default label (string)
default (string): Default label for output element
remove: Enable ability for an element to be removed from list of output elements
edit_content_type (Boolean): Special (internal) parameter, allow for the selection between 'content' and 'excerpt', useful for output elements which output post content or similar
flexbox (array): Features relating to the Flexbox portion of Conductor Widgets
columns (int): Number of columns used during output if a content layout which supports flexbox is selected
Default: 1
Technical Details
Type: Filter
$defaults (array): Default Conductor Widget defaults
$widget (Conductor_Widget): Conductor_Widget instance
Return Value: array
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Class: Conductor_Widget
The following example adds a custom parameter to Conductor Widget default settings.
The following example adds an output_features
configuration for a custom output element type to Conductor Widget default settings. It can be used in conjunction with the output
example below.
The following example adds a custom output element to Conductor Widget default settings. It can be used in conjunction with the output_features
example above.
The following example adjusts various Conductor Widget default settings.